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Reset Windows Domain administrator password on Windows Server 2008/2003/2000

Windows Server is a brand name of Microsoft Operating System. Besides Windows7, Windows Server 2008 are the latest and more secured versions from Microsoft. Windows Server 2008 has many new features included that system administrators of small and large companies will enjoy。 Many use Windows 2008 server as a workstation. That means A group of computers and devices on a network that are administered as a unit with common rules and procedures. And the host computer manage these computers through its admin account and password。

Forgot Windows Server Domain password

If you have lost windows server local admin password, I think it is easy for you to reset windows server password. But what if you have lost or forgot windows domain password? Things will get more tricky and all of the computers in the domain paralyze。

Here is the steps to reset Windows server domain password

Method 1: Reset domain administrator password on Windows Server 2008 with just the Windows Installation Disk.
* Insert the original Windows Server 2008 installation DVD
* Reset the computer, boot from DVD
* Choose option "Repair your computer"
* Start command prompt
* C:\
* CD C:\Windows\System32
* MOVE Utilman.exe Utilman.exe.bak
* COPY Cmd.exe Utilman.exe
* You may also need to "Enable" the administrator account which can be done by using "NET USER administrator /active:yes"
* Restart windows
* At the login screen, type Windows-U, this fires up cmd.exe now
* NET USER administrator Presto! Login as administrator!
* Now repair computer again and move the original Utilman.exe back
Method 2: Third party windows password recovery toolkits
Step1. Download Windows Password Recovery Enterprise and install in any available computer.
Step2. Create a bootable CD/DVD or USB flash drive. (A blank CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive is needed).
Step3. BIOS set. Boot computer from the created CD/DVD/USB Flash Drive and set BIOS setup.
Step4. Reset Windows Server domain password to Re123456
